
Retail Custom-Printed Packaging Design Trends for 2021

07 Apr' 2021

When it comes to product packaging design, nothing is accidental. Every branding decision is deliberately made to communicate a very specific message to customers. The idea behind some of the biggest custom-printed packaging design trends of 2021 is to create a certain brand narrative that’s just as enticing as the product inside. Brands want to establish a strong connection with their target audiences. The right packaging design can effectively bridge the gap between brands and their customers. Unique packaging designs have a certain peacocking effect in the sense that they attract customers who have similar values to what the brand in question is portraying.

Keep reading to learn about some of the hottest custom-printed retail packaging design trends that we think will make a lot of noise in 2021.

The Growing Demand for Reusable Packaging

Imagine receiving a beautifully packaged product or gift in the mail. Isn’t it a shame that the brand went through all of that trouble planning, designing, and creating such unique and beautiful packaging only to have recipients throw it away after a few moments of enjoyment?

Now brands are gearing toward creating stylish, practical, and reusable multipurpose packaging that customers can repurpose once they’ve opened the product. This is a great way to build up greater brand intrigue, recognition, and customer loyalty. Customers will appreciate the ingenuity and versatility of both the product and the packaging.

Move Toward Biodegradable Environmentally Sustainable Packaging

In the age of COVID-19 where mass lockdowns and retail store shutdowns are taking place, many brands have been forced to completely revamp their custom-printed packaging techniques to accommodate the growing demand for e-commerce orders. That means creating more durable, yet sustainable packaging that can withstand the often harsh international and national shipping conditions. Sustainable packaging technology has come a long way. These days, it entails using digitally printed packaging, laser cutting and creasing technology to eliminate die and tooling, and biodegradable materials that won’t fill up landfills.

Customer-Focused Interactive Packaging

Social media influencers have essentially forced brands to step up their creativity when it comes to creating unique custom-printed packaging designs. Influencers around the globe have amassed legions of fans and followers that happily watch as they unbox the latest products from big and even small name brands in front of the camera. The unboxing experience has become almost as important as the product itself, so it’s important that brands make it as interesting and enticing as possible.

Flat Designs with Natural Earthy Tones

There’s beauty in simplicity. Opting for natural earthy tones like browns, greys, greens, and blues is almost synonymous with having an eco-friendly brand initiative. Neutral tones tend to signify to customers that your brand cares about the well-being of the planet. At the very least, they communicate to customers that your products are organic, plant-based, cruelty-free or all of the above. Light, fresh, and earthy colour palettes work well for organic makeup brands and even vegan or vegetarian food products.

Heritage Designs, Old School with Illustrations

Brands that have been around for a number of years typically have well-established and instantly recognizable marketing and product packaging designs. While these designs have certainly evolved over the life of the brand, many of their key elements tend to stick to the traditional look of the product or brand. A great example of this is Coca-Cola’s signature red and white branding. Over the years, the company has released numerous products under the Coke brand name, but the classic red and white sigil remains as one of the brand’s most well-known product images. It’s unmistakable and reassures customers that they’re getting the same high-quality and delicious flavour they’ve come to know and love over the years.

Of course, not all brands have that kind of iconic branding history. Modern small businesses are still building up their brand recognition and loyalty levels in an attempt to get to that same level. Creating a unique brand image that’s instantly recognizable is no easy feat, but it’s a commendable and worthwhile pursuit for brands that are in it for the long haul.

Bright Floral Colours

Another big packaging trend that’s not going anywhere any time soon is the rustic chic floral design featuring bright colours that many modern brands have taken on. Bright coloured floral designs subconsciously elicit positive feelings and brand associations that make people instinctively feel connected and attracted to your products. They have the ability to stand out more on store shelves and create strong impressions in people’s minds, which increases instant brand recognition. Plus, bright colours and floral accents tend to remind people of spring and summertime, which also elicit good feelings of nostalgia regarding their childhoods.

Incorporating these types of designs in your custom-printed packaging will create positive associations with your brand.

Simple Geometric Designs

You’ve heard the saying “what’s old can be made new again.” The same principle can be applied to the custom-printed packaging industry. A lot of designs from yesteryear are making a major comeback in 2021. The boldly defined, yet simplistic geometric styles of the late-1980s and early 1990s are back in vogue. Only now they’re being revamped with a more modern twist. Abstract sharp angles paired with bold, yet bright and eye-catching colours are all the rage right now, especially for alcoholic beverages. These unique stylistic features are specifically designed to assault the senses and instantly grab the attention of anyone passing by them on a store shelf or browsing through an online product page.

Magenta Depot’s Custom-Printed Retail Packaging Designs in Toronto

If you’re looking for unique custom-printed boxes in Canada for a short or long-term run, Magenta Depot offers a diverse line of design templates that you can choose from to represent your brand. We also provide orders for custom-printed packaging with no minimum quantity requirements and fast two-week turnaround shipping across Canada.

All of our products are proudly Canadian-made and offer exceptional design quality and durability to withstand all kinds of shipping conditions. Take advantage of our significant cost savings and our unique 24/7 online design and ordering platform. We’ve also simplified the design process using customized die lines that are intended to suit your unique brand style and help you tell your story. Contact us today to place an order or get a quote!